Saturday, January 7, 2012

Starfish Pendant

A new idea for a pendant struck my mind yesterday and I eagerly started to give it life outside my mind. Its a simple pattern overall and uses Self Closing Mock Ring technique(SCMR). I have learnt about SCMR recently and I must say they are a really powerful technique that can add lots of verity to your tatting works. Here is the result

 Here is a diagram showing this tatting pattern:
* Start with a SCMR: C5, R(5- place bead and hold it with a paper clip - 5), C7, R(5- join to the bead in the previous ring- 5) , C5 Close SCMR
repeat steps from * five times

For those of you who are not familiar with SCMR here is a video that helped me in learning SCMR :

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Snowflake Frivole

I recently came across a very beautiful and rich blog with lots of precious tatting and patterns. Its probably already well known to you all but I have not seen it before..The patterns and projects are very elegant. Here is the blog.

She has put some of the patterns online and I chose a very pretty snow flake of hers to tat. Here is my version:
She has uploaded the PDF for the pattern with very clear descriptions on her blog in case you are interested.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New year's gift: Trinity Tatting pattern

I have a tatting book that I bought many years ago before the age of internet from my home country and at the time couldn't tat 90% of the patterns as they have minimal description about how to tat them. It has a very clear and nice diagram for each pattern though.

The book is not in English and there is no reference to where the patterns are originated from. I have not seen many of the patterns else where and I think they are all vintage patterns that are re-gathered by the lady who has published it. Her name is Nahid Moazez and I tried searching in the internet in the hopes of finding her or somehow being able to contact her.No Luck. I am not even sure if she is still continuing this art.

Anyhow, the book was published in my country long time ago and I think it didn't even get that much popular and you can't really find it anymore. Now that I have more confidence in tatting I have decided to tat the patterns and even put the patterns here so that more and more people can benefit from them or they will be lost in history.

My first attempt was a complete disaster as instead of 6 picots i tatted  5 and didn't even realize it till very late !!

I'm very disappointed in me. I think I will re-try the pattern again sometime in the future. Nevertheless here is the pattern diagram :

I put the sequenced number which can help you where to start and how to continue. The number of stitches is also marked on the pattern. As there is no name for it I call it "Trinity" for it has lots of 3's. Try it out and leave me a link to your beautiful works. I would love to see them.